I fixed the little issue I had with my quality checks and now I’m moving ahead.
I republished my book Interactive Fiction, which was my very first nonfiction writing book. It got a new cover and an interior refresh. Should be available by tomorrow. It’s for people who want to write interactive fiction a la Choose Your Own Adventures.
I brought the book’s cover in-line with my current Author Level Up books, and I like how it turned out.
I also kept on keeping on in finishing up my quality checks. I’m unofficially done, but now I’m double-checking whether retailers accepted my changes correctly or if I made any last-minute mistakes. Like I said, this will take me the better part of the week, but I’m slowly easing back into my regular productivity. I cleaned my office this evening, which was a big step in getting back into the game mentally—the place was a mess. Getting organized applies to every area of my life right—getting my books organized and QA’d, organizing my office, all my documents, taxes, etc. ’Tis the season.
Anyhoo, have a great night.
Oh, and folks, don’t forget about the NaNoWriMo bundle I’m participating in. Early feedback is that the books are FIRE and people are finding it very helpful for the challenge. 16 books, pay-what-you-want, and some really good advice. www.storybundle.com/nano