About 1000 words today. Not bad. The novel’s moving along, if a little slow.
I published another book today, so I’ll announce that tomorrow. So this was a pretty successful day.
I got my emails down to about 25 so I guess that’s another victory.
Someone asked how I stay so disciplined. Every day I’m doing something toward my writing and making progress.
The short answer is: discipline, being strategic about how I prioritize my time, and mastering my tools.
I try to make progress toward SOMETHING in my writing business every day, even if it’s small. That could be 500 words, 2000 words, publishing a book, getting a book to my editor, or…you get the idea. Little things add up over the years. That’s my minimum goal; I usually always do much more than that. But on the days where I can’t, I’m always doing something. All you have to do is read these blogs to see what that is.
Discipline is cultivating the will to sit down and do something day in and day out, even if you don’t see an immediate reward. Discipline is doing something for something’s sake. So I sit down and write for writing’s sake. I have fun doing this, and that helps.
And of course, I talk about my tools all the time. I won’t say that I’ve mastered anything, but I invest a lot of time in tools that save me time, money, and effort. Like learning how to dictate and write on my phone. This way, when I only have a small amount of time, I can make the most of it.
That’s the short answer to the question of how I’m able to get so much done.
Folks, today and tomorrow are the last days to get the NaNoWriMo Story Bundle. Don’t miss out!!!! Https://www.storybundle.com/nano