For reading, I’m still making progress in IDW’s TMNT Vol. 8.
For data analysis and marketing, I got Indie Author Confidential Vol. 10 into Vellum and will send it to my cover designer tomorrow. I should get it back early next week.
For production, I wrote 3400 words today. I got a very late start due to some busy things at work so I didn’t have a morning session. That meant I had to chase my quota once I got off work. Fortunately, I got it done and added to my surplus today.
My surplus is building nicely as you can see below. I’m on track to hitting my word count goals early.
I’ve been thinking lately about another problem that I need to solve. It involves creativity and keeping the well full.
My creative well runs very deep and I have not had to worry about what to write next. With my writing speed the way it is now, I need to rethink how I’m filling the well because I’m flying through books.
Also, if I want to hit my word count plan, I need to minimize downtime between books. I need to be able to tell one story right after the other. Again, usually not a problem, but I need to think about how to be better.
The problem is when I need to research a novel, for example. Generally, it takes me about a week. But if I take five days off, I’ll far severely behind. I can use my surplus but I prefer not to unless I have to. Otherwise, I’ll eat through it pretty quick.
I have been mulling around a few projects that I can revert to between books while I prepare for the next big work. Short stories is one. Indie Author Confidential is another. But yeah, I need to keep the gas going and flames on…
Anyway, I’m making good progress in my current book. I will probably finish it this weekend.
Have a good night.
YTD Word Count: 18,200
Plan: 1,252,000
Words Over/-Under Plan: 4,450
Days Ahead/-Behind: 1.62
Projected Annual Word Count: 1,512,000
Projected Decade Word Count: 15,120,000
Deadline 12/31/2023
Days to Go Until 12/31/23: 486
Average Pulp Speed: 2.1