Quiet day today. Honestly, nothing happened and it was awesome. I spent some time editing a secret project that I’m working on. Still not ready to announce it yet, but it’s moving along.

I spent most of the day preparing stuff for my taxes. Wrangling last-minute receipts, checking bank statements, rustling up 1099s. Not my favorite way to spend a day, but essential.

In slightly more interesting news, for anyone who is interested in learning the ins and outs of self-publishing (beginners), my friend Kerrie Flanagan is doing a live webinar on Saturday to help people with it. She’s giving away a free copy of Be a Writing Machine, so I can vouch for the content. 🙂

I met Kerrie at Superstars and she’s really driven and knows her stuff. You can check out the course at https://www.kerrieflanagan.com/writing-workshops

Anyhoo, I’m braindead. Have a good night.

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