Who is Michael La Ronn?

Who I am: Michael La Ronn, science fiction & fantasy author at your service. I've written over 70 books and counting while working a full-time job, raising a family, and attending law school classes in the evenings. 

Why I write: I almost died in 2012 and the near-death experience made me realize that being an author was my true calling in life. (watch the video on this page for more)

Why you should care: I publish writing videos every week passing along what I've learned. I'm not a bestseller yet, but I'm doing some things right and sharing my success as I go. 

My Goal: To help fiction writers improve their writing craft so they can write world class stories. 

My Writer's Manifesto


  1. I believe that it’s up to each and every one of us to be the best possible versions of ourselves.
  2. I believe that it's okay to be different, and that no one can take away what makes you unique.
  3. I believe that stories make us better people because they expand our minds and show us life through someone else's eyes. 
  4. I believe that stories change lives–they've changed mine in immeasurable ways. 
  5. I believe that human nature is inherently good, and that most people are just doing the best they can.

That's what I stand for. How about you?

What I Want for You


 I want you to be happy with your writing and your writing career.

    I want you to sell more books so you can spend more time with your family, maybe quit your job someday.
    I want you to learn how to “see” with your writer's eye, because that's what will help you write world class stories like Stephen King, John Grisham, Nora Roberts, etc. 

I'm not a bestseller or a guru or coach. I'm fighting the same battles you are (seriously!). I'm just sharing my knowledge along the way. 


Michael by the Numbers

Books Published

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