
I should hit my quota today. In the meantime, here’s a post from Indie Author Confidential Vol. 10 about people watching and how it can help you become a better writer. LESSONS FROM STUDYING AN INTERPRETER I had to attend an insurance training for my job. The training...


Today was a slow day. The only thing I accomplished was about 1,500 words. I finished the short story I have been working on. It’s called “Stop That Burrito…!!” it is the longest short story I have ever written at 8600 words. When I started writing this story, I had...


Against all odds, I have to take a goose egg today…feeling a bit under the weather and had life strike today. But tomorrow is a new day and I think it will be a good one. Be back soon.


Life happened today. Sitting at about 1500 words so short of my quota, but I’ll be back tomorrow. I’ll also talk about pulp speed since someone asked about it.


Another solid R.A.M.P. day today, though the season change is definitely affecting me. Hard to concentrate this evening for some reason. For reading, I read some more urban fantasy short stories as well as a few poems by William Blake. Why, no idea. Just felt like...