2600 words today. I’m officially caught up and about 100 words ahead of schedule, which is not a lot, but it adds up if I can sustain my current momentum. If I keep my current momentum of 2,000 words a day or better, I’ll be done by Oct. 15.

I did a lot of dictation today. I had to wait in the car with my dog while my wife went to a quick doctor’s appointment, so I turned on my voice recorder and dictated about 1,000 words in 11 minutes. The words were pretty clean. As soon as I finished the chapter, my wife walked back to the car. That made a huge dent in my word count for the day and helped me get to where I needed to be.

Man, this novel is truly a pantsing experience. I still have ZERO idea what is going to happen. It’s literally happening as I say it. Usually I have some idea about what is going to happen next, but not this time.

I also finished reading another book today: Estate Planning for Authors by M.L. Buchman. I highly recommend you pick it up if you’re serious about being a long-term author.

Anyhoo, I’m off to do some looping so I can start fresh tomorrow morning. I’m expecting to get the dictation and editing books form my proofreader tomorrow so I’ll get them loaded into Vellum and then off to my designer post-haste. That means I should have them back Saturday morning, so I’ll be able to publish the how to write without an outline book, dictation book, and editing book this weekend.

I received feedback from the first ARC reader for the how to write without an outline book and it was positive. Hoping that trend continues.

Have a good night.


Spirit Chaser (The Good Necromancer Book 3): 17,100 words.

Editing Book: 11,300 words. With proofreader.

Dictation Book: 12,500 words. With proofreader.

Author’s Guide to Strategy: 16,000 words. Published.

The Self-Publishing Advice Compendium: (Pre-Beast Mode book): 98,000 words. Published.

How to Write a Novel without an Outline: 43,100 words. With my cover designer.

Cold Hard Magic: 50,200 words. Published.

Indie Author Confidential Vol. 7: 14,900 words.

Rat City (Chicago Rat Shifter Book 2): 76,000 words. Published.

Writing App Book: 16,500 words. With my cover designer/

Writing App Tool: 100% complete

Indie Author Confidential Vol. 6: Published.

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