I realized today that I was supposed to start a challenge last week and missed it!!!! Things have been crazy, so I’ll make it up in the future.
I’m at a stage where I can follow my own advice.
In my book, Be a Writing Machine, I talk about 3 root causes of writer’s block.
One of those root causes is personal circumstances. I’ve had a family member who has been ill lately and has taken a pretty bad turn. This also coincided with a new job at a new company (it’s a good move and one that will be very good for me long-term, so no worries there). But right now, I’m somewhat of a fish out of water as I learn how to swim in a new ocean, one that is very different than the ocean I was used to for 11 years.
As a result, writing hasn’t been top of mind.
In my book, I talk about how “personal circumstances” can affect your writing. Your subconscious blocks writing out when life needs you. It acts as a diverter, funneling your brainpower and attention away from writing and toward the objects that most need your attention. One of the secrets to my longevity and success is that I intrinsically know when my brain is doing this, and I know when the diverter is getting ready to “switch” back.
Over the last 3 weeks, I’ve been working 12-13 hour days, all of my own volition. 100% my choice and family-supported as I get my bearings. That investment is paying off. While I’m not a pro at this new job, I’m a little more comfortable about what the future will look like. I can start planning again. And more clarity is always a good thing, especially when you’re an achiever like me.
As a result, my subconscious is relenting a little, and letting me think about writing more. That’s when I know the diverter is about to “switch back” and re-establish a better balance between work, family, and writing.
Anyway, this post is just to let all of you out there who are struggling to write know that even pretty prolific writers like me have their down times. But when you lean in and listen to the signals your mind is sending, then you’ll better. It’s like when your car skids out of control—the best thing to do is to lean into the skid, not against it.
If I can, tomorrow I’ll start posting about what I’m doing to get back in the groove.
Have a good night.