2200 words today. I’m cruising along at minimum speed, but this book requires a little more focus, dedication, and the sacrifice of my speed somewhat for the next day or so as I establish it. My hope is that I’ll be back to good speeds soon. But, I’ll take 2K days stacked together. They still add up in a big way at the end of a week—14,000 words is not a bad number by any means.

Anyway, I got the strategy book off to my designer, who will have it back Monday morning. That means I should be able to publish Monday evening after work.

I also got the paperback covers for Cold Hard Magic and Dead Rat Walking, so I went ahead and published those. They should be available as soon as tomorrow morning.

I’m writing a guest blog article for ALLi so that will occupy the rest of my night.

I also did some thinking about my 2022 strategy today. It’s almost that time of year where I focus on it, and I may start a little early. I have a fun idea for next year. We’ll see if I do it…

Have a good one.


Editing Book: 5300 words.

Dictation Book: 12,500 words. In a holding pattern for my proofreader.

Author’s Guide to Strategy: 16,000 words. With my cover designer.

The Self-Publishing Advice Compendium: (Pre-Beast Mode book): 98,000 words. Published.

How to Write a Novel without an Outline: 43,100 words. With my proofreader.

Cold Hard Magic: 50,200 words. Published.

Indie Author Confidential Vol. 7: 14,900 words.

Rat City (Chicago Rat Shifter Book 2): 76,000 words. Published.

Writing App Book: 16,500 words. With my cover designer/

Writing App Tool: 100% complete

Indie Author Confidential Vol. 6: Published.

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