0 words again. I knew I’d take a hit today because I taught a workshop for Writer’s Digest. 4.5 hours on self-publishing. The course went very well and I debuted a new teaching style that worked so well I plan on bringing it to the YouTube channel.
I have another speech on Saturday so I had to spend the rest of the day planning for that. Unfortunate, but again, I knew all this was coming and that I’d have to pause things momentarily. It’s not every day you teach a 4.5 hour class!
I got great feedback from the folks who took the class and they were very engaged.
Anyway, my hope is that I’ll be able to get some words in tomorrow as I’m on the back-end of my preparation for Saturday. Looking forward to turning on the gears to get this novel to 40,000, which will be another good milestone. I’d love to hit 45-50K by end of the month.
Anyway, have a great night.